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Posted by Danielle’ Dimond on 28th Mar 2019

Last week the stars aligned for me on a bright, Wednesday afternoon when I actually heeded the alarms of my phone apprising me of the perfect time to depart in order to pick up my kids at our pickup spot. At long last, I wouldn’t be the last parent there, witnessing my kids’ sad, little faces wondering if their mother had forgotten them. I kid, my children love it when I’m late because it means they get to run amuck a bit longer. Well I mean, the… Read more

Posted by Danielle’ Dimond on 13th Mar 2019

Ah, Saturday mornings. That special time one day a week when responsibility waits until you’ve had a good long sleep until at least 9:00am. Your home is quiet, just the soft ticking of the clock on the wall while the kids remain drowsily in bed like the sweet princes and princesses they are. You are buried just deep enough amid your pillows to provide sweet comfort without smothering and your comforter presses upon you just heavily enough to achi… Read more

Posted by Danielle’ Dimond on 4th Mar 2019

There is a certain, debilitating phenomenon that takes place in my household every Saturday. And occasionally mid-week as well. It’s a paralysis that takes over my kids every time they step into their bedrooms to clean. It happens without fail, suddenly their world comes closing in around them because the mess is just too big and their young brains cannot process where to even begin to clean it. The task is seemingly insurmountable.I’ve been a mo… Read more

Posted by Danielle’ Dimond on 11th Feb 2019

I was lucky enough last week to enjoy a rare, lavish moment with my 6-year-old daughter. In this magical moment I sat comfortably reclined upon the family room couch, supported just right, between two pillows with a great, perfectly weighted and fluffed blanket—plus freshly laundered I might add—lying serenely atop my very relaxed self. I invite you to visit this moment with me—you can sit right there beside me and buff my nails if you like—where… Read more

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